Group of partygoers at farewell party for TCLP teachers

SPIRAL says Farewell to Hsian-Lan and Karim

On June 17th, SPIRAL held a farewell and “thank you!” party for TCLP teachers Hsian-Lan and Karim, and all of our partners at their host schools. Now that the school year is over, they will be heading back to their home schools in Taiwan and Morocco. We will miss them!

Both Hsian-Lan and Karim have worked so hard this year and built amazing language programs: Karim teaching Arabic at Twinfield Union School, and Hsian-Lan teaching Mandarin Chinese at Bellows Free Academy Fairfax. In addition to their classroom accomplishments, they have brought cultural awareness and events to their communities, and have inspired their friends, neighbors, and students to continue their exploration of the world and its languages and cultures.

We wish Hsian-Lan and Karim all the best, and we look forward to future partnerships with them!

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